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Support Team

Administration Manager : Ivan Fuchs

Bookkeeper : Leora Schleissner

Events Co-Ordinator : Sue Selikman

Communications Co-Ordinator : Emily Berger

Youth Co-Ordinator : Rachel Treisman

Executive Board Members

 Hon.Vice President : Yair Miller OAM Hon.

Hon. Vice President : Gavin Marx 

Hon. Secretary : David Selikman 

Hon. Treasurer : David Sandler 

Board Members

David Glaser

Trevor Pogroske

Jodi Sherman

Jason Winderbaum

Alan Bender

Lindsay Zeloof

Mark Arenson

Bentley Sacks


Gavin Marx has been a member of Kehillat Masada since 1986 and he joined the board in 2018. He has been involved in developing the Bar and Bat Mitzvah Program and various other initiatives.

Gavin is a Medical Oncologist. He is the Clinical Director of the San Integrated Cancer Centre and the San Clinical Trials Unit at the Sydney Adventist Hospital.

He is passionate about Jewish continuity and loves living on the North Shore with its wonderful community. His many highlights at Kehillat Masada include his wedding, his son’s Bar Mitzvah and his son’s Brit Milah on second day Rosh Hashanah shared with the whole community. He is married to Jo and they are so proud of their two children Tali and Josh.


Yair Miller OAM  has been on the board for over 15 years. Yair is CEO of UIA Australia and past President of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies. He loves the incredible community feeling at Kehillat Masada and the unique way all ages and demographics blend and are able to feel at home.   Yair is married to Sandra  and is blessing with 2 children, Ariella and Josh.


Dave became a member of Kehillat Masada in 1988 and joined the Board in 2017. He was appointed  Hon. Secretary in 2019.

He manages KM Cares, the benevolent fund and Chesed arm of the Kehillah which is dedicated to support those in need in our community.

Dave runs his business which manufactures and supplies customised apparel for sports clubs, schools and corporations. He is a very hands-on grandfather to  his four grandchildren. He loves how welcoming this community is and how it always steps up in times of need. He is also a passionate Rugby Union supporter and an enthusiastic  golfer.


David Sandler became the Treasurer at Kehillat Masada in 2023. David joined the shul in 2012 after moving to Sydney from London (with a few years in Johannesburg along the way). He is also the Treasurer at Bank of America in Sydney.

David represents Kehillat Masada as a constituent deputy at the NSW Board of Deputies and is on the Executive of the Council of Orthodox Synagogues (NSW). He also leads Community Health Support’s efforts on the North Shore and is a Board member at Kesser Torah College.

David is married to Jenna and has four children – Zach, Maya, Noa and Benji.


A founding member and past-President of Kehillat Masada, David feels a deep sense of pride at the growth and development of our Kehillah. From humble beginnings in the early 1990s in people’s homes, to the dynamic and robust organisation it is today. David has a love of Judaism and all things Jewish. His belief in the benefits of a Jewish education plus his passion for Israel are the essence of his Judaic-DNA.

Married to his lifelong best friend, Ros, they have three wonderful children and two precious grandchildren.

David’s current focus is the Kehillat Masada bequest initiative. It seeks to identify members who love the community and feel a connection, who care about its stability and future and feel a responsibility to give back. The aim is for Kehillat Masada to be included as a beneficiary in one’s will, no matter the amount or how old a person is.

David’s plan is to connect with people over the coming months to roll out this initiative and give each member this legacy opportunity.


Trevor is a Principal of CRS Advisory, a boutique restructuring and advisory organisation. He was formerly a senior Partner and NSW leader of Health and Aged Care with Grant Thornton Australia and an Executive Director of EY. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants as well as a registered Liquidator.

Trevor has more than 30 years experience in international trade finance, corporate restructuring and insolvency.

Trevor’s key industry expertise includes financial services, hospitality, aged care, technology, communications and entertainment, manufacturing, engineering and construction.

Trevor joined the Kehillat Masada Board in 1997 and is also a Board Member of Masada College and Sir Moses Montefiore Jewish Home.


Lindsay joined the board in 2020, with a hiatus in 2022 when the Zeloofs went to live in Cambridge for a year. A believer in getting involved, Lindsay likes to experiment with new ways we can energise and serve our community. She’s been known to rap the weekly Parasha. She’s originally Canadian and her favourite chag is Pesach. Lindsay is an employment lawyer and is married to an anaesthetist (pity he doesn’t put his kids to sleep as easily as his patients) and is blessed with three very energetic daughters.


Jodi is a mum to 3  girls and has been married to Darren, her partner in crime. They moved to Australia almost 13 years ago from Johannesburg. She’s a qualified art director and designer and she’s combined this with her love of food to grow her business, Jodi’s Kosher Kitchen.

She has served on the board of Kehillat Masada for 4 years. Jodi really values volunteering and thinks it’s important to set aside some time to give back!


Jason recently joined the board at last year’s AGM.

He works in financial services, currently at Credit Suisse where he manages private wealth for high net worth families & charities.

He arrived in Australia from Johannesburg in 1998 and completed 11 & 12 at Masada College. After getting married he moved east and to the lower north shore but then returned to St Ives.

He’s been married to Monique and they have two beautiful and talented daughters, Jada  and Talia.

He enjoys all sports – Favourite team? Liverpool, Rugby? Bokke, Cricket? Proteas. All other sports – he supports Australia. He also loves playing tennis and bush walking in our local LGA. He loves having a chat to the community.


Mark was appointed to the Board in 2023.

He is a sole practitioner having an accounting practice in St Ives for the past 17 years and is on the Finance Committee, assisting the Treasurer managing the finances of the synagogue.

Mark  thoroughly enjoys the ruach in our community, which he feels enriches his life considerably and is a regular Shul attendee .

He is married to Barbara and has two adult children, Sam and Danielle.


Bentley  has been a member of Kehillat Masada for the past 38 years, from the time the services were held in a classroom, to our wonderful Shul today. Now that he has reduced his working hours, Bentley felt it was time to give back to Kehillat Masada, and involve himself on the board. He joined the Board in 2024.

Bentley is married to Helene and has seen his children, Taryn and Brett celebrate their Bat and Barmitzvah at the Kehillah.


Joined the Board in 2022


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